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Chapter 6
A little note to those who say I ruined the story with the "slashy" part of the last chapter. I have but three things to say to you:
1) The last chapter of this story was not truly "Slash" The villan was gay. SO WHAT?
2) If you can't deal with the subjects of my stories, and obviously you can't, I'm sorry. I truly am. I hate to think that there are people out there that can be so closed minded as to OVERLOOK something that has happened to others, or to completely reject a life style, just because you want to be the next Mrs. So-and-so.
3)I love to write. That's not an arguable point. The point that is arguable is that, although I love that my readers enjoy my story and I do like that they are entertaining to my readers, these stories are written for MY enjoyment overall. Therefore I can do what I want with it. :)
I'm sorry if the last chapter was a turn off or "ruined the whole story" for you. I liked it. And that's all that mattered.
Sheena D.
"How's it going, Lancey Poo?" Chris asked, breezing in the door of the hospital room.
"Well enough that if you call me that one more time, in a couple of days I'll kick your ass, and I'll acutally remember this threat cause they've lowered my pain meds." Lance said, raising his eyebrows menacingly.
"Damn, no more fun with Lance." Chris said, looking truly disappointed.
"Joey, what the hell has he been doing to me over the past two days while I was drugged up?" Lance asked, looking warily towards Joey, who'd stayed at the hospital with him since the attack, even despite protests and foul names.
"Don't worry about it, Babe. You wouldn't remember it anyway." Joey said with a laugh.
"That's the point. He could have done or said anything to me and I wouldn't have known." Lance said, still trying to get used to the endearments Joey kept throwing at him. He wasn't uncomfortable with them, or Joey's new protectiveness, just curious as to where it had come from.
"He didn't hurt you or say anything too bad. Joey wouldn't let him." Justin joked, laughing when Joey and Chris both stuck their tongues out at Lance.
"Well, here's good news for you Lance. I just talked with your doctor. He's going to let you out today, but you are to be on complete bed rest for the next week. No going to the bathroom by yourself, no getting out of bed for anything except to pee and bathe, and even then you have to sit or take a bath not a shower." JC said, giving his best grin.
"You call that GOOD news? I hate you JC." Lance said, glaring at his friend.
"At least you get out of here and you can have decent food." JC said, trying to give a bright side to what Lance saw as a hindrance.
"I guess that's something." Lance conceded. "So, get me out of here already and get me a Big Mac." Lance demanded, while everyone else laughed.
Twenty minutes later, Lance and his "entourage" were headed out of the hospital and home, or as close as they were going to get until Lance could travel.
"I forgot what fresh air smelled like." Lance joked, his window down and the breeze blowing in his face as he sat as close to the window as possible.
"One would think he'd been in prison or something for the past five years, instead of in the hospital for two days." Chris said, rolling his eyes.
"It seems a lot longer than two days ago, in some ways, but in others, it seems like yesterday." Lance said, his mood dropping as he reflected on the events leading up to this moment.
"But it's over now, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Joey said from the driver's seat, entwining his fingers with Lance's on the console between them.
Lance turned to Joey and smiled, before his eyes dropped to the entwined fingers. Leaning his head back on the seat and closing his eyes, Lance fell asleep with a smile on his face.