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![]() ![]() ![]() Chapter 41
![]() JC looked at Lance and tried not to laugh. He had an exasperated statement on his face, and was talking on the phone to some radio station. No one else was in the mood to join in. "Joey?" Lance asked. He looked over at Joey, who at the moment was completely engrossed in a video game. "Joey's...in the bathroom. Yeah, he spends a lot of time in there. Justin's in the other bathroom. Uh huh. Fixing his hair. High maintenance and all." JC snorted and Lance glared at him. "No, he doesn't have a date with Britney," Lance sighed. JC and Chris were laughing at the statement on Justin's face. Justin just rolled his eyes at them, and Lance glared again. "JC's sleeping." He suddenly turned bright red. "Boxer Briefs." Even Joey started laughing then, though he was still engrossed in the game. "All right, I'm Lance Bass, and we'll be right back..." Then he started talking again, presumably to the DJ. "No, I wasn't lying. Justin really doesn't have a date with Britney. She's on tour."
Justin rolled his eyes again. "My GOD! Where do they get this crap from?"
Lance stifled a laugh, but the commercials on the radio station ended and he came back in. "Hey everyone." His eyes widened and he nervously started chewing on a finger. "Danielle?" He pursed his lips and the finger left his mouth. "Danielle and I are fine, yeah." He somehow managed a laugh. "Yeah, we're good. Um...no comment," he said with a blush. Justin laughed; he'd been in that position before. Lance's brow furrowed. "Beg your pardon? Who?" He frowned. "Toby? Toby was my horse in Mississippi." Chris snorted. "No, he's dead. He died a long time ago, yeah." His eyes widened. "No, I wasn't too upset when he died...thanks, but...no, I'm not happy that he's dead..." He looked at the other guys in disbelief. "NO! I wasn't in love with him! Toby was a HORSE!" JC shoved his face into a pillow. Justin ran into another room, and Joey covered his mouth with both hands. Chris just doubled over and laughed out loud. Lance's eyes widened. "Who was that?" He looked around evilly. "That was...Chris. You guys wanna talk to him? Hold on a sec." Lance thrust the phone into Chris' hand. "Have fun!" Chris looked at him angrily but started talking. "Damn, those fans are PUSHY."
Justin came back into the room. "Man, that sucks."
Lance glared at him. "You think so?"
Justin cringed. "Maybe."
JC lifted his head up from the pillow. "How's Toby?"
Lance's eyes widened. "You did NOT just go there, Chasez."
"Uh oh," Joey muttered.
"Go where?" JC asked innocently.
Lance's eyes widened even further. "Oh, he's gonna get it now," Joey muttered to Justin.
Lance took a step forward. "Hey, I was kidding," JC said. "Really." His eyes darted from side to side. Chris was still on the phone. Justin and Joey were off to the side, watching with grins on their faces. "Um...Lance?" Lance grinned evilly and raised an eyebrow. "I didn't mean it. I just said one little...ah!" Lance had jumped onto the bed and begun tickling JC. "Lance...stop...please," he giggled.
Chris spun around to glare at them. "That's just Lance and JC. JC woke up, yeah."
"Not until you apologize, JC," Lance said, his fingers finding all the right spots.
JC's hands tried in vain to anticipate Lance's moves, but he was always a step behind. Lance grunted when he felt a foot in his stomach. "Go for the feet!" Justin yelled. "That ALWAYS works."
"JUSTIN!" Lance smiled and grabbed JC's foot. "No no no no no no no!" JC wailed. "Stop it...sorry! I'm sorry!"
"Lover's quarrel," Joey whispered slyly to Justin.
Justin snorted. "Right."
Both were unaware of the stopped movement, engrossed in their conversation. JC and Lance exchanged glances, JC still breathing rather heavily. They both jumped up and attacked each the two at the same time. "Chris! Help!" Joey yelled. "PLEASE!"
"Uh, that was Joey," Chris was saying. "But, I really have to go...yeah. Thanks, and see everyone soon!" He hung up the phone and jumped into the fray. "Lance, you gave me the damn phone, you ass!"
Lance stopped tickling Joey when he felt Chris on his back. "Stop it!" he laughed.
They were interrupted when someone cleared his throat. "Boys?" Lance was first to look up. "Hey Lou." Lou motioned him outside and Lance groaned. "I'll be right back," he said, watching Lou's retreating form. He jumped up and then suddenly grabbed the bedpost and shook his head.
"Hey, man, you all right?" JC asked.
"Fine," Lance said. "I just got up too fast and felt a little dizzy, but I'm okay." He went out the door, and then Chris jumped on JC, distracting him from what was going on.
They were still at it when Lance came back inside, a slightly confused statement on his face. "What'd Lou want?" Justin asked, finally extracting himself from the pileup.
Lance looked at them, amusement crossing his features before he turned to Justin. "He wanted to ask about rumors that me and Danielle had broken up." He scratched his head. "He thought I started them, but I told him that even though I WANTED to break up didn't mean that I started any rumors."
"He believe you?" JC asked.
"Of course not. So I'm on...oh I don't even remember. I wasn't listening to him." Lance wiped his brow. "Did you guys turn the heat up? It's hot."
"It's hot because you have a fever," JC said, seriousness creeping into his tone.
"No I don't," Lance argued.
"Yes you do. You did last night."
"No I--"
"Lance, I could tell," JC said. "How far are you going to let it get before you admit that you're sick?" he snapped, suddenly finding himself angry.
Lance looked over at him, startled. "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I mean," JC said. Joey, Justin, and Chris looked back and forth from Lance to JC, keeping their distances but ready to jump in if it became too much of a problem. "You don't sleep. You've got circles under your eyes, you're always coughing, yet you say you're fine. You had chills and were burning hot last night, and I KNOW you weren't dizzy just from standing up too fast earlier."
"JC, quit it, you're not my father." The two were standing face to face now, blue eyes staring hard into green.
"Well I'm closer to you than your own, aren't I?"
Lance's eyes widened. "Low blow, JC," he whispered. "Guys, can you leave me and JC alone for a few minutes?" Lance asked, glaring at JC. The others complied. "JC, I know my limits, okay? I'm fine. I've performed through colds and fevers just like the rest of you. I'm not a little kid, all right? Don't treat me like one and you had NO RIGHT to bring my parents into this. At least they KNOW I'm gay, even if they kicked me out of the family tree because of it."
JC looked down. "I'm sorry, it was a low blow and totally unfair of me...but I said that...because...because..."
"Because why, JC?" Lance asked, his eyes softer.
"Because...I care about you, Lance. And I don't...I don't want to be just friends," he said. "I care about you a lot. I can't help worry about you when I have all these...feelings for you..."
"JC," Lance whispered. "I care about you too. But you have to let me deal with some things on my own, all right? I'm a big boy now. I'm not some scared, shy kid from Mississippi who can't deal with a little cold."
"Did you just say you cared about me too?" JC asked.
Lance laughed a little. "That's all you heard, isn't it?" JC nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, that's what I said. And I mean it too. I was confused, but I don't think I am anymore."
"What are you saying, Lance?"
"What I'm saying, JC, is that I really liked kissing you. And I'd like to try it again. Lots of times."
JC smiled at having his words thrown back at him. "Maybe you should," he breathed.
"If you say so," Lance smiled and leaned forward, just as JC tilted his head down in the slightest bit, and their lips met in another explosion of passion that sent electricity running through both bodies.
Joey, Justin and Chris stood watching in the doorway. "Aw, they're so cute," Joey said with a grin.
"Think they made up?" Justin asked, a smile on his face.
"I'll say," Chris snickered, although he felt a little bit uncomfortable. "More like they made OUT."
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