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![]() A few hours later, Lance started waking up, the smell of food filling his nostrils. Pulling his arms to try and sit up, metal clanging together filled the room and his head as well.
Hearing the noise, Joey walked into the room with a sly grin on his face. "Comfy?" Shaking his head clear again, Lance moaned and tried to move his hands, but the handcuffs held strong. Slowly opening his eyes, the finally set on Joey. Leaning against the doorframe, Joey said, "Face it honey, there is no escape..."
"Why...why? What do you hope to achieve from this Joey?" Lance whispered.
"Get your love back."
"By keeping me chained to a bed? Or beating me? Joey, I don't know what people do in your world to show that they love someone, but here, we don't chain people up or beat them."
"And if I let you up, just what would you do?" Joey asked. "You'd leave or try to leave and not even give me a chance to prove myself to you. I think not. You're staying where you are." With that, Joey turned and left the room to go check on thier dinner.
"I've given you enough chances to prove yourself Joey, and they all end up the same way," Lance called back. "Me on the floor, you beating the crap out of me! How many other ways can you prove to me that you are an unfit boyfriend, an unfit fiancee, and an unfit human being who shouldn't have someone to love!? Play Russian Roulette excpept using my head and not your own!?"
Ignoring him, Joey served up two plates of lasagna, his moms' special recipe that Lance always did love. Turning his head away from Joey and the food, Lance didn't want anything to do with him or anything he had to offer. Joey placed the plate down on Lances' chest, then crossed the rom to sit in an overstuffed easy-chair, watching him.
Closing his eyes as not to look at Joey, Lance only lipped Justins' name. He had been the only one he told about the relationship, yet he didn't tell him about the abuse. If he had, maybe all this wouldn't be happening, Joey would be getting help and Lance would be safe. "Justin..."
"Justin's not here," Joey replied, his voice unrealistically calm.
"That doesn't mean I can't think about him..."
"Not outloud please," the older one replied, chewing his meal thoughtfully. "I'd prefer to eat my meal in peace."
Lance didn't listen to what Joey said. Instead he went all off about Justin this and Justin that...Justin Justin Justin. "...and have you noticed lately how Justins' hair is? Man, I love those curly locks on him. I wonder what I'd look like if I did my hair like Justin..."
Getting up and leaving the room, Joey advised, "I'd be quiet if I were you."
"Why love," Lance called. "Justin is so cute, don't you think? I wonder what he'd be like in bed..."
"If you're still calling me love there's still something there dear."
Lance didn't say anything in reply to Joey; he only started moaning, calling Justins' name.
"If you don't stop it, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you!!!" Joey shouted as loud as he could.
"Oh God Justin!!!"
"GOD DAMNIT LANCE I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Joey shouted, setting his plate down and storming back into the room.
Breathing heavily, Lance opened his eyes and asked, his voice coming in short pants from his fantasizing. "Why? You jea...jealous?" Joeys' only answer was throwing a punch landing square in Lances' mouth.
"Umph." Lance spit some blood from his lip and glared at Joey. "Yeah, that's right. That's all you know how to do. I should have hooked up with Justin. At least he would never hit anyone, unlike you. That's all you do Joey, you just hit, drink, and fuck...is that all you know how to do!"
"Maybe if you would quit telling me that's all I do, maybe I wouldn't..."
"But it's the truth Joey," Lance echoed. "Ever since we've been together, that's all you've done. You drink until you're plastered, then you beat the shit out me, then you expect me to fuck you when you're sober! It's a never ending cycle with you Joey! Sure, there are times where you'll skip the drinking and go right to the beatings, but hey, it's a minor change for you." Lances' voice was still laced with fear, but equally with hate; his lip still bleeding from the punch.
"Fine," Joey voiced. "I'll prove to you that I can be different." Standing, he retrieved a damp washcloth to clean Lances' lip with.
Jerking his head away, the blond bit, "How many times have you said that Joey? How many times did you say 'let me prove it to you' and then you prove nothing? It's like the boy who cried wolf Joey. I can't believe a word you say anymore."
Putting the cloth back on his lip, Joey promised, "I WILL change. I promise you this time Lance."
"Get it published Joey. I'm not a little kid anymore. You can stop telling me stories that I know won't come true..."
"I'm not publishing anything. I promise you I will change. God Lance I love you. I would do anything for you."
"I've heard it all before Joey..."
"This time it's different."
"Until when Joey? Until you decide that being the sweet caring boyfriend is just not for you. That the abusive boyfriend is more your style? I don't think so Joey."
"I swear to you Lance. I'm different now. You have no idea what seeing you laying in a hospital bed because of something I've done did to me..."
"You should have thought about that before hand Joey..."
"Yeah well, I'm sorry. Can't you just accept that?"
Shaking his head 'no', Lance replied, "I said 'I'm sorry' every single time you beat me Joey. I said I was sorry for making you angry with me, for not doing what you told me to do, or not letting you screw me. I said I was sorry ever single time Joey, and you didn't accept that. So why should I except it from you?"
"Because I was dumb. I never thought I would lose you." Lowering his eyes in shame, Joey went on. "But I know that now. I don't want to lose you Lance." Looking back up again, tears falling down his face. "I love you."
"I did too Joey," Lance answered. "I did love you, but not anymore. You've hurt me so badly, no amount of appoligy will ever fix it. We're through Joey, you and me, are through."
"You say that one more time and I'll leave you here like you are, alone. No one will ever find you. You'll be here unable to fend for yourself. So for now, just at least humor me???" Joey asked, begging with his eyes for him to at least say 'I love you' in return.
Turning his head away from Joey, Lance closed his eyes, thoughts about if he should take Joey back or not racing through his mind. Should he take him back, even though he already knew what type of person Joey was? Or should he say no, that he'd had enough of Joey and his empty promises? He just didn't know anymore. If it were someone other then Joey, Lance would have no problem leaving them, because he thought he couldn't love anyone as much as he loved Joey. Hell, he PROPOSED to the man! Part of him was saying go back with him, believe him, maybe this time he will change. But then again, another part was reminding him about the black and blue bruises he'd spend hours trying to cover up, the black eyes he'd have to rack his mind for to come up with excuses, the broken bones he'd have to have set and mended without anyone finding out. All these thoughts and others were coming at him from all directions. Too many for him to listen to at once.
At Lances' silence, Joey got up to leave the room. "I'll leave you alone now. I'll check in on you later."
Against his better judgement, Lance called out softly, "Joey..."
Turing around slowly unsure of what he wanted, Joey asked, "Need something?"
"I um...I..." Lowering his voice to barely above a whisper, Lance finished, "I forgive you."
His eyes lighting up, Joey took off running back to the bed, jumping in next to Lance. "Really??? You do??? Honest??? I promise I won't ever hurt you again. You know how much I love you right??? God Lance I love you more than life itself. Do you still love me???" He was not sure he wanted to hear the answer, but he knew he needed to. "Honestly."
Thinking for a moment, Lance looked over Joeys' shoulder, then smiled. Bringing his eyes back to Joey, he simply nodded his head 'yes'.
"God Lance, I love you," Joey said before he leaned down and kissed him as hard as he could.
Something in the back of his mind was telling him to pull away, to not say the three words that were already forming in his throat. But Lance didn't listen to that feeling. "I love you too Joey."
Lookin him over, Joey shook his head. "God Lance, what have I turned into? What am I doing? You can't rest well like that. If I let you up, do you promise to stay in bed and rest? Holler at me if you need anything. I'll take full care of you. But you HAVE to stay in bed and gather your strength back up."
Nodding his head again, Lance smiled and answered, "I promise. I won't move from here until you tell me to."
Starting with his feet, Joey went aroudn to each corner of the bed, unlocking the cuffs from his limbs; leaving them on the bed post, just incase. Once the final handcuff had been unlocked, Lance pulled turned onto his side, facing Joey, drawing his legs up to his chest.
"Do you need anything sweetheart?" Joey asked, kissing Lances' forehead.
Shaking his head, Lance stiffled a yawn. "No...I think I'm okay..."
"You sure? A bath, food, anything?"
"I'm alright..." Another yawn. "But...I might be hungry when I wake up. Someone stopped me from getting to the vending machines." A light laugh emitted as he opened his eyes again and looked up at Joey.
"I'm sorry bout that. I just needed you to see that I was sincere and this was the only way I could think that would get your attention or get you to give me the time of day. What would you like? Your favorite? I'll have it ready when you wake up. Just call me." Again nodding, Lance leaned up and kissed Joeys' cheek before resting on the soft pillows. "Sleep tight dear one," Joey whispered, kissing him lightly on his forehead again, then turning to leave the room.
Watching him leave, Lance yawned and snuggled down onto the bed, a light smile creeping his face. That was when he promised himself never to make Joey angry with him again. He wouldn't do anything that would cause his love to hit him or beat him. He would be the perfect boyfriend.
Joey returned to the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible while preparing french toast with cinnamon for Lance when he awake. But for now, silence so he could sleep.
A few hours later, around 9:30am, Lance finally woke from his peaceful sleep. Looking around the room, he didn't find a sign of Joey anywhere. "Baby," he called quietly. "Baby?"
From the bedroom next to Lances' Joey heard him calling for him. Jumping up, he ran out of his room and into Lances' with a coy smile plastered on his face. "You rang?"
"Yes I did," the blond smiled, kicking his legs over the edge of the bed, then abruptly swung them back. "Whoops, almost forgot..."
Laughing heartily, Joey replied, "It's okay honey. What did you need?"
"Don't you have a catheter? Or did the doctor take it out?"
"He took it out before the let me go around in the wheelchair..."
"Okay you can go to the bathroom." Pointing to a door in the corner, Joey said, "It's right there. I'll wait here in case you get weak or need help. I regret to inform you I dont have a wheelchair here for you."
"I think I can make it," Lance replied, taking his steps slowly, always with his hand on something to support him with.
"I'll be right here though ify ou need me," Joey answered, sitting down restlessly on the edge of the bed.
"Thanks baby," Lance said, reaching the end of the bed. There was nothing for him to hang onto from there on out. Thinking he could make it the 10 or so feet to the bathroom. Wrong. As soon as he let go of the baseboard and took a step, Lance was kissing the ground.
Jumping up, Joey ran to Lances side to help him. "Here darling. Let me help?"
Lance didn't fight him, he was still to weak to even support his own weight. "I don't want to be a burden to you Joey..."
"You're not a burden. I love you."
"I feel like I am, you should be sleeping, not helping me around like some invalide."
"I WANT to help you. This is my way of saying I'm sorry for what I did."
Looking up at Joey from over his shoulder, Lance simply smiled and allowed Joey to help him to the bathroom.
Once getting him inside, Joey asked, "Need help in here or do you want your privacy?"
"You think I can stand up by myself in here?" Lance teased. "I couldn't even make it here without help. How do you expect me to take a whiz without help?"
Laughing, Joey stood behind him, holding Lance up. "Okay. Whatever you need honey," he said, starting to kiss his neck.
Taking himself out, Lance moaned and closed his eyes as Joey kissed his neck. "Joey, what...what are you doing?"
"Helping you stand."
"You have to kiss my...mmm...neck to help me stand?"
"No, I just thought it would be a bonus."
"What did I do to deserve this much bonus?"
"You're you," Joey replied. "That's enough as it is."
"Oh, I see," he whispered, his core temptuare starting to rise. Tilting his head foreward, his eyes closed, Lance just enjoyed the way Joeys' lips felt on his neck. Before he knew what he was doing, he had his hand wrapped around himself and was stroking slowly, moaning quietly too. Joey didn't realize waht Lance was doing, so he only kept kissing. Moaning a little louder as his hand moved over his erection, Lance moaned out Joeys' name.
Lifting his head up and peaking over Lances' shoulder, Joey laughted at the humor of it all. "I thought you had to take a whiz? I could've taken care of that from the bed baby."
"I...I had to...take a...a...oh God Joey..." Lance huffed.
Bracing his body behind Lances', Joey instructed, "Okay, finish it up cause I don't want to leave you hanging and when you cum, you're not gonna be able to support yourself. I'll stay here, just lean on me."
Lance didn't say anything for until he reached his peak, then he groaned, loudly, his body shaking. "Jo...Joey..." Joey only kissed his neck again.
Puppy dog noises came from Lances' mouth as he opened his eyes and tried to turn to look at Joey behind him. His hand now covered with cum, Lance smiled, reaching up and wiping his hand on his own neck.
Eagerly licking it up, Joey stopped in the middle, looking away uneasily. "I don't want anymore."
"Baby," Lance asked, turning his head to the side. "What's wrong? Did I do something to not please you?"
"You told me yesterday all I was interested in when I was sober was sex. I've changed Lance."
Remembering his words clearly, Lance reached for the toliet paper and wiped the head of his yo-yo, his hand and the back of his neck. "I'm sorry Joey. I didn't mean what I said..."
"No, it's okay Lance. Don't aplogize. It's fine."
Sighing, Lance turned around and slowly made his way back to bed, walking out of Joeys' arms. Joey just rushed behind him to help. "I'm fine Joey. I...I don't need your help right now," Lance whispered.
"Want the old me back?"
"No, oh God no," Lance said without hesititation.
"Then what Lance? What did I do wrong?"
"You did nothing wrong. I did. I shouldn't have said those things last night..."
"It's okay. Honest Lance. I just don't understand why you don't need my help now."
"I just don't okay...."
"But you can't exactly make it on your own."
"I will Joey, I'll be fine," Lance reassured, taking baby steps towards the bed again.
Rushing again to Lances' side, "Please, let me help you."
Not wanting to object to Joey anymore, Lance remained silence, letting him help him up and to the bed.
Once Lance was in the middle of the bed, Joey walked over to the door. "Are you hungry yet?"
"A little."
"I'll go heat up your french toast then," Joey answered, heading back into the kitchen.
"Thank you baby," Lance whispered, propping a pillow up behind him and sighing boredly.
Hearing the sigh from the kitchen, Joey called, "Do you want a book to read?"
"I'm fine Just...Joey," Lance replied, catching himself before saying Justins' name.
"Well, let me get you fed first," Joey answered, bringing in the plate of warmed french toast.
"Gotta a baby bib with you too?" Lance teased, smiling slightly for him.
"No, but I can run and get you one."
"You even try and put a bib on me mister, and Nsync will have a new saprano singer and no baraton."
"Okay okay okay," Joey replied. "I thought you were serious. I'm sorry," handing him the plate. "It's just cinnimon, the way you like it."
"Thank you. You know you don't have to be doing all this just for me."
"I know, but I love you, so it's worth it."
Smiling, Lance took a bite of his french toast, then held it up for Joey to take a bite if he wanted. The older one smiled, leaning down to take a bite. Before Joey could take a bite from it, Lance pulled it out of reach and reached up to kiss Joeys' lips.
Laughing slightly, Joey reached down and tickled Lances' side gently, as not to cause immediate jerking of Lances' body.
Trying to move away from Joeys' fingers, the girlish giggle that Lance one laughed for Joey emminated from his throat. Realizing that Lance wasn't squirming too much, Joey smiled and started to tickle a little harder.
Laughing a little louder, Lance was only able to set the plate out of the way so not to spill the content onto the bed. Trying to grab at Joeys' hand, he started kicking playfully as well.
Hopping onto the bed, Joey sat down, straddling Lances' waist, tickling just a little more.
"Joey, stop..." Lance laughed, making futile attempts to try and grab at his hands. Finally quitting, Joey leaned down and kissed Lances' sweetly on the lips.
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